A Surrogate Dinner In Calgary
What happens when 20 ladies from JA Surrogacy meet up for dinner in Calgary? Lots of laughter, deep conversations and loads of love. The support within this village was on full display during the event. A huge thank you to Jennifer Allen, CEO, for hosting this event to bring all these ladies together.
The ladies of JA Surrogacy gather in Calgary.
Gathered for dinner were women from all stages of the surrogacy journey. Some ladies just coming on board, some matching with intended parents, some almost ready for transfer, 3 ladies currently pregnant, several post-partum and a few even preparing for a second journey. Watching these ladies converse and laugh, with conversations at every section of the table, is a demonstration to just how JA Surrogacy sets itself apart from the rest.
Jennifer Allen finds tremendous pride in pampering her village and social events are a great way to foster new friendships and a true basis of support. ‘My first two surrogacys, I felt very alone and isolated, as though I was left to navigate those journeys alone,’ she says ‘ Hosting events for everyone to come together brings with it a true sense of belonging. These ladies are never left to fend for themselves. To encourage connections with other ladies traveling a similar path as you, results in strong friendships. This is what makes us more than just an agency. We truly are a village.’
Jennifer’s deep desire to foster these relationships does not go un-noticed. Here are what the ladies of JA have to say…
“It’s a special thing to connect with others who understand completely why we chose surrogacy. Creating beautiful friendships that will last beyond our journeys and lots of laughs with beautiful souls .”
“It’s nice to be with woman who ‘get it’. Its also nice to know that the support is there when you need it before, during and after the journey. Knowing I got these woman in my corner every step of the way is huge.”
“I love the sharing of experiences. Things I’ve learned, the love I’ve shared, and the realities. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows, but we have a village to help us through those times, too.”
“Tears, belly laughs, heart-to-hearts, and so much more. These woman have been an incredible part of my journey, and having the chance to be gathered all in one room is such an encouragement. Surrogacy is not always easy, but when you get to share these moments with your village, it really is amazing. We are lucky to have such positive and encouraging woman in JA. ”
“I really love the surrogacy community.. it’s so nice to connect with all you ladies in person! it’s a great support group for us all.”
“ I love the variations of the stories and experiences but the genuine depth of sincere love for the intended parents - listening to journeys where they have witnessed them become parents and how indescribable the reality is - really hits my heart. It truly takes such beautiful people to build dreams like this! It makes me proud - I also love the authenticity of each and everyone I spoke to and connected with. Love love love ”
“I love our gatherings because you put 20+ women in a room and we all have something in common to discuss. There’s never any awkwardness! It’s been amazing to get to know these ladies and get to touch base face-to-face as our journeys progress or conclude ❤”
“The bonds and friendships forged amongst women at events is what creates the pillars of JA Surrogacy.”