Surrogacy in Calgary: Connecting with Intended Parents
We’ve got a few Fall babies on the way and were overjoyed to connect with these soon-to-be parents and their surrogates in Calgary last weekend.
On Saturday September 25th, our Calgary team, along with JA’s Director of Operations, Michelle Avery, gathered together at the home of our CEO, Jennifer Allen.
“Watching these intended parents connect face-to-face for the first time, sharing their journeys with one another, was simply beautiful. Some even exchanged contact information so they could continue to stay connected as they begin to navigate their new adventures into parenthood.
It was such an intimate connection for those that are international, bringing us all that much closer. JA is more than just an agency, we are a village.”
Along with these proud future parents was a previous set of intended parents, Stephane and Frederic, and their beautiful son Tom. The couple was one of JA Surrogacy’s first clients. Over the years, our CEO, Jennifer Allen, has spent a lot of quality time with them and they have become like family. Baby Tom has even come to know Jennifer as Tata (Auntie) Jen. Stephane and Frederic had come to Calgary for a visit with their surrogate, JA’s very own Surrogacy Support Manager, Jessica Jamieson. The bond they had created throughout their long journey with surrogacy was clearly evident. To see the four of them together again was truly heartwarming.
We were also happily joined by a few ladies interested in becoming surrogate mothers and the event proved to be an excellent way for them to witness the love and laughter that is the JA Village.