Dear Sweet Boy of Mine
Photo captured by George
By George, Intended Father
Living with a newborn or infant is isolating under the most normal of conditions, with the pandemic however, it has been a social desert. I wanted to share my bundle of joy with friends and family. Instead, I find myself talking to my neighbours for hours or even to strangers walking by. And yet, I never doubted that being a parent was the right thing for me. I’ve been preparing and visualizing for so long that the work and day to day life never felt foreign, just simply normal. Every parent has questions and concerns at times, as did I, but to embrace being a parent fully, it gives one clarity. I wish my son could remember this time of early bonding we had together, so instead I will write it down for him.
When you look into my eyes, I know in my heart and in my mind that you are my child. Around the age of three months, you would gaze into my eyes for hours in a day. This emotional connection turns out to be much more; biological, neurological, and chemical. Science tells us that your brain is being hardwired to recognize me, to create a lasting connection. I believe this magical moment to be true as I felt it too. This part of being a parent I was not prepared for. I can remember a few moments when it brought tears to my eyes, happy tears. Every part of your being and every part of mine are connected forever, and I will treasure those moments my whole life.
When you look into my eyes, I know there is purpose and a richness in my life like never before. I always believed that wealth is not determined by the amount of money you have, but by the fullness of your life. You see, in this sense I was poor and broken for quite some time as I waited for my forever child.
Over the years, as I tried many paths to become a father, I felt underprivileged, disenfranchised, and destitute. I had a good job with a major global company, and then my dream job as a teacher, but they were not enough. Only until you came into my life was I whole and wealthy beyond compare.
When you look into my eyes, I know how important of a job it is to be your father. Around five months, infants truly begin to connect what they see and feel as real. You would reach out and touch my face as you looked to me with a sense of need, trust, and wonderment. I accepted that role with all of my heart, and I would do it again. Always remember this trust, and know that I do my best, to help you be your best. Together we will build an amazing person, full of thought and emotion. Together we make a family, made of love, care, and support. Thank you for being in my life, in my heart, and for being my son.
Love, Daddy.